I didn't even realise how special today was until Mom gave me some once-in-a-while treats in order to make herself feel better!!!
Birthday Pawty? You might ask.
Well, Mom said she is EXTREMELY busy lately so she could only prepare me a LOW PROFILE pawty: to a park and get me some treats.
Pictures of moi???
Sometimes things just fall apart without our knowledge and this one is completely not in our plan.
When Mom tried to upload some of the pictures of me in the park, Blogger said she has already used up her photo storage so...
Mom's Plan B is we still want to share our happiness with you no matter there are photos of me or not. Anyway, all of you know how pretty and princessy I am, don't you?
By the way, I'm as fluffy as always, as cute as a cutie pie and get wiser each day but I don't want to look like an owl though.
My mom got picture posting to work by joining Google+! So here are some photos taken on my birthday outing!