Saturday, April 18, 2015

My garden!

While most of my friends are enjoying the warm and sunny sunshine, beautiful flowers in rainbow colours and adventures at the parks; my world is hot, hot and hot during the day and then some storms for a change at night.
The little birds have started to grow again!
Mom got the plant from her aunt!
Despite not having any green fingers with her, Mom has been trying her best to keep the plants alive by faithfully watering them everyday. A friend told her the best way to make her plants grow better is to talk to them everyday; she thinks it's insane to talk to plants and she prefers talking to me. Mind you, she does talk a lot; she's a chatterbox!

Oh mom, it's the 11th times... you already said it in the morning!
 More flowers!

While Mom is busy with her plants, I'm busy looking after my territory

and modelling, for sure.

Have a great weekend!

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