Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday #12


koko said...

Tribal council in progress? What's on the agenda?

Licks, hero

Sara said...

LOL. What a great shot!

Are they trying to decide who is going to be "IT" in their next game?

You're it! No you're it! No Eva's IT!

"Hey, why do I have to be it? Just cause I'm little?"

Chris and Ricky said...

The three musketeers - all for one and one for all!

Hi! I'm Sierra-Dog! said...

A nosy pow-wow! How fun! Big barks to Princess Eva! Good luck with all your training. It looks like you are have a ton of fun!

Remington said...

That is so CUTE!

AC said...

Love it! It almost looks like Eva is trying to figure out of to unstick them!

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Awww, circle of friends... :-)


Bandit's Pack said...

Whatever private game they're playing must be fun - Mika is smiling! ♥

Mini Aussie Ace! said...

Oh My Gosh!! How precious!! =) Eva is looking Gorgeous!!!! Whenever I see a sheltie I always think of Eva!! She is so much prettier than any I ever see!!

Lian said...

what's the whisper?

Diana said...

Awwwww! Diana

Natasha said...

Haha! Somebody's telling secrets!!

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