Hi everyone. Miss Eva here!
You are probably wondering how my new buddy, Blackie is doing. With us dogs, she's perfectly fine and friendly. With the humans, however, she is quite shy and timid and will only come if they have food.
She is quite a naughty girl. She dug 3 BIG HOLES last night!! Compared to her, well, I dare say, I'm a little princess. Blackie is residing outside with Mika but whenever she hears me going out to the garden for a toilet, she will come and say hi and we will wag our tails at each other. Once she even tried to push over the fence to play with me!
We love playing 'catch me if you can' |
We were playing very happily until....
She started nipping my neck.
First of all, Princess Eva does not tolerate other dogs (with the exception of her mother) nipping her neck.
And second of all, an excess of SALIVA on my beautiful coat!
I couldn't stand it and ended the game immediately.
Did I ever mention that I am a very very clean dog?
You should see the way Blackie drinks water. It's like she hasn't drunk for ages, and she licks so roughly.
Worst of all, she leaves all her saliva in the bowl. I have to go all the way back to the kitchen to ask my mommy for some clean water out of my own water bowl!
Some of you have been asking about my Uncle Mika.
1 week after his operation, the hoomies have been swimming him and now he is swimming 30 minutes daily. They are also walking him in circles to try and get him to use his leg. Sometimes, it will touch the ground, but he still isn't using it :( Hopefully, the swimming can help build up his muscle and hopefully with a bigger muscle, he can start using his leg again.