Friday, December 10, 2010

Life is like a wheel!

Today a friend of mine came over to do Pranic Healing for me and after the session, being typical women, we started talking about our families, children, some other random things and our dogs.

My friend, Susan is a dog lover and recently her two dogs ran out of the house when the gate was open; both of them went missing for a couple of days but they found their black labrador back through a friend's help but not the Spitz. When the black lab saw my friend's car, she just ran straight to the car, jumped into it once the door was open and refused to leave it until she was home. Susan was happy to find the girl back but she also has a feeling that the Spitz couldn't make it through. However, she never gives up the hope of finding him back!

I told her how I lost our Hana and Laura within a few months' time and the worst part of it was I wasn't with them when they went over to the rainbow bridge. Both of them chose the time when I was in overseas so I didn't even have a chance to tell them to rest peacefully. 

While we were chatting, tears rolled in our eyes when one of our dogs was sick but we also laughed with tears when our dogs did something funny.
I told Susan I find this year is a rather bad year for my family because Mika had an accident too so
my little Christmas wish is all my dogs are healthy and happy. After listening to this, she said,' Don't
worry, Priscilla. Life is like a wheel, since you've been at the bottom so you're climbing up now!'

I like what she had said and I want to believe in her that I'm/we are climbing up now! I also pray that her Spitz will be home safe and sound soon!

This is my neighbour's rambutan tree.
Look at those fruits, when they are ripe, they are dark red,  juicy and sweet.
This also means we are going to see some monkeys around, they love this tree!


Vonnie said...

It's comforting to be talk to someone who truly understands! I hope her Spitz returns home safely.

♥ Sallie said...

Oh! I hope she finds her! Alien and I are sending positive vibes to both of you! I have a feeling 2011 is going to be an awesome year!

and YES! Please come play with us! I know your mom can think of something silly and fun! We always love your pictures!


Andrea said...

I hope the poor furry baby comes home safely!!

Woofs and Wags,

Little Miss Jada Kiss said...

It is wonderful to be able to talk to someone about so many things and feel a sort of release from things that have been building up. Susan's words are very encouraging and inspirational. Thanks for share. And I hope her doggie comes back home too! xoxo Jada

katie, Maizey and Magnus said...

It is a nice, hopeful thought. We all need the encouragement of a true friend sometimes!

You will get monkeys at your house? That is awesome! Can you post pictures we would to see that!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

I really like that analogy, that life is like a wheel. I've also had a very rough year, but I'm hoping I'm finally on the way up again :)

Diana said...

Lift is like a wheel. I really hope your wheel is turning up too! Diana

Sara said...

What a beautiful is like a wheel. You have had a lot of sad turns this year. I, too, hope you are on the up and up for the new year.

Ryker said...

Good friends and dogs are the best medicine!

jen said...

WHat a wonderful friend, we all need someone special like that in our life.
Sending good thoughts to both of you:)

Dandy Duke said...

We hope her Spitz comes home soon!
What a beautiful tree!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Helen said...

I hope your friend is right and that if we're at the bottom, that we're climbing right back up. This year, 2010, hasn't been that good to me; first it was finding out Ceilidh had cancer, then losing her to cancer, now Tucker's liver problems, but also dealing my Dad's cancer. I'm so glad that Mika is healing so well. I hope your friend finds her spitz.

Natasha said...

I hope your friend finds her dog, that must be tough. Since Mika and Wall-e are my first dogs, I haven't yet had to go through the experience of losing a dog, and I'm not looking forward to it...but I think all of the good times will be worth the hard times. Great too that Mika is continuing to recover nicely!

When I read about the monkeys it made me stop for a second, then I remembered where you live, lol! We don't have any monkeys up here, that's for sure :)

Chris and Ricky said...

That is a really nice way of looking at things and we truly hope next year is a much better year for you!

Very cool tree - never heard of that fruit of course, but it looks good and I hope you get some photos of the monkeys too!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

What a wonderful friend Susan is and she is so right. I was just telling my brother (who is very depressed due to being unemployed) that I loved on Oprah when she said "life can change in an instant" both for good and for bad....but it can change in an instant.

I agree with Susan that you were at the bottom of the wheel and now you are working your way back up. The wheel is like the "circle of life"....everything must come our way, the good and the bad.

I am so sorry you weren't able to help Laura or Hana cross the bridge but something tells me they both chose to cross over when you were not home because they didn't want to break your heart even more.

I pray Susan gets her other dog back too...I never heard of a "spitz" what kind of dog is that?

You have monkeys there? See? That is MUCH better than SNOW! Please photograph them!

Sagira said...

Sounds like you had a great heart to heart and got some good advice. :)

Terrorzinhos said...

We hope her doggie comes home safe!
Sending positive Thoughs on her way!

Yas said...

We hope your friend gets her dog back! :)
Wow! rambutans, monkeys...etc. how nice to be in a natural environment! We hardly see rambutan trees here, and as for monkeys, we'll get to see them if we go to Macritchie Reservoir but many areas of the park dont allow doggies. :(


houndstooth said...

I like that saying! We have our paws crossed that the Spitz finds his way home soon, too!


Emma Rose said...

I hope you friends dog finds it's way home to her.

Do you really have monkeys? That seems so amazing to me!

Emma Rose

koko said...

We remember how Hana and Laura crossed over the bridge within a short period of time and on both occasion you were in UK to visit Rosie... it may not be coincident but how they wanted it to be. Cheche used to have a chow chow that lived for 13 years and on his last couple of days, he just would not give up until cheche traveled to a far away place before he would crossed the bridge. Sometimes, things happened for a reason in life... c'est la vie.

Licks, hero

Bella and Ollie said...

We will pray for your dogs to be healthy and happy and for Spitz to find his way home.
Best wishes from Ollie and Bella.

Dexter said...

I hope her little Spitz gets home safely. Having misfortune happen to our pups when we are not with them leaves a big hole in our hearts.

Mango Momma

Anonymous said...

That sounds like the perfect philosophy. I always tell myself that everything is always okay in the end. And if things are not okay right now then it is not the end.

Best wishes to Mika and your friend's Spitz. I hope they both end up healthy and happ in the places they are meant to be.

Anna the GSD said...

I like that better than the whole glass is half empty/full one! I hope her other pup gets home safe and sound in time for Christmas! Paws crossed!

Kirby, CGC said...

Keeping our fingers and paws crossed that your friend's dog comes home soon!

Love the saying about the wheel!

Kirby's mom

Bocci said...

Yes, we'd love to know if Spitz makes it home-our paws are crossed!
And what a nice wish for the holidays:-)!

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