Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Resting at home #2


'No running!'
'No jumping!'
"No noise!'
'Be a good girl!'

These are the orders / commands that I hear the most everyday since something inside me was taken out eight days ago.
I'm a bit sad that Mom and Dad have no sympathy for me because they think it was better for  my overall girl wellness.  However, something which upsets me the most is the vet said my DIET should be reviewed from that day onwards.  Do you know what it means???

On the 4th day, I played with my stuffy INDOORS.
He's one of my best pals.

On the 5th day, I spent an hour on the swing with my dad
for some fresh air in the morning
Breathe in...Breathe out...
Swing high...Swing low...
Swing Chariot???

On the 6th day,  I had a little more freedom
but running and jumping weren't allowed

On the 7th day, I promised I wouldn't violate their rules,
 still no jumping and running.
Don't they know that those are my expertise?

Today is the 8th day, see how bored I am

Oh, that's something good. My hair has grown back a bit.
Let me show you my ouchies

the second day 



Bocci said...

We're so glad that everything went well and that you're healing nicely, Eva! soon you will be in full play mode!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"swing low, sweet chariot" lol!!! Eva you silly girl!

I am so happy that even if you are bored you listened to your Mommy and Daddy and were resting like a good girl!

With rest you should be good as new in no time!!!
Then you can do all of the jumping and running that you want!

So good to see your gorgeous face, I've MISSED YOU!

Anna the GSD said...

Oh, looks like you've got past the "itchy hair grow back" phase!!

Mom didn't have to change my diet too much...as long as I had the same activity I stayed the same.

Hopefully you'll be out of Gitmo soon and can run and jump again!!

Diana said...

Resting is hard, esp on the owner. LOL

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

you look like you are healing nicely, WHAT DO THEY MEAN ABOUT YOUR DIET? That sounds like bad news! Hope you are allowed full freedom very soon ;-)

rottrover said...

The "resting" will be over soon. You still look so pretty even recovering from major surgery!!

Cowspotdog said...

You are still a sweet heart and will be into michief again in not time.

Sara said...

You've almost reached the end Eva! Just a few more days, and you'll be back in business

Wyatt said...

It's hard to be quiet all the time, especially when you are feeling better. You are almost there, Eva!!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Eva, you are getting there!! We know how hard it is for someone that wants to run and play to have to rest constantly!! You will be back to doing that soon! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Chris and Ricky said...

Poor Eva! I hate when I am told "no running, no jumping" because I am an expert at those (along with barking) too! But it looks like you are healing really well and soon you will be allowed to go back to all of your normal and fun activities. Hang in there!

Vonnie said...

YOu know your mum is just making sure you heal well! The you will be able to get back to your madness LOL!
Ellie is not happy either as she is still on rest.

Amy Wood said...

Your ouchie is looking much better. Glad you are on the road to recovery. You'll be able to jump and run in no time. All you pics are so cute. Such a pretty girl! :)

Ryker said...

Your tummy looks really good. You'll be running again in no time!

Remington said...

ALWAYS listen to your Dr.! You will be running and playing before you know it!

Peggy Frezon said...

Glad you're being good and not running or jumping. Can't wait to see ta picture of you running in your yard again, though!

Duke said...

Your ouchie is looking wonderful, Eva! Pretty soon you'll be running and jumping and being your old self again!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Incision is looking much better. I hope you feel better soon.

houndstooth said...

It looks like you're healing really well! At least you have eight days behind you already. You're getting closer to freedom, Eva!


Kirby, CGC said...

Hi Beautiful Eva, glad your surgery went well. Looks like you are almost all healed, you will be running and around and jumping after those kitties in no time!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Eva!
I can understand you are bored!
But... look at the good side... you have been healing pretty well so you will be free to do whatever you want soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

D.K. Wall said...

That recovery stretch can be so boring. Hang in there.

The Thuglets said...

Hello Eva...we are just busy catching up on things.

We are so pleased your op is over and you are well on the road to recovery.Listen to the sound advice and don't try things too soon. Difficult for an action girlie we know!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

jen said...

Your incision looks wonderful Eva!!
Don't worry it's almost over:)

Patti and DeBoys said...

Hang in there sweet girl, your almost ready to join us in running, jumping and most of all 'BARKING'. But whats this business about your diet? Are thinking about taking your TREATS away...that is uncalled for :-(

Terrorzinhos said...

You are almost free princess Eva!
Do not despair!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Glad you are mending... No cracker dogness for a while, OK???

Sheltie Times said...

Bailey and Katy send sympathy and best wishes for getting back to running and jumping.

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