Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We're home and will be back visiting everybody once we recover from our jetlag!!!

Our two very happy dogs


Jessica said...

Oh Eva! Who is this new friend? Can't wait to hear all the details! We are so happy your mom is home.

Mack & Murph

Sheltie Times said...

Eva you must be so happy Mama is home. Take good care of her.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ohhhh the power of photos!!

The first photo conveys an infinite amount of JOY for ALL involved!!

Rosie's expression is PRICELESS!

Eva and Mika......OMG...I have tears in my eyes.

We have missed all of you and are so happy you are home safe and sound!

Much love!

Bocci said...

Glad you're back! And we can see that Eva and Mika are happy, too!
Will look forward to hearing from you!

Julia Williams said...

It's about time!!! BOL. Such precious photos. Isn't it grand to be missed so much by your pets?

How Sam Sees It said...

Welcome home!


verobirdie said...

You look all very happy:-€

Cowspotdog said...

Yeah !!! the Mom is home the mom is home - what could be better and we get to see the pretty Eva again.

Adien Crafts said...

Hooray - - we missed you! Hope you had a good time when the peeps were away, yes we need the full low down on your new friend too. Welcome back Lovely, Dex and Lou xxx

Sara said...

Rosie looks so happy! What a wonderful welcome home for her and Priscilla!

Enjoy these special weeks, now that your whole family is together again.

houndstooth said...

Looks like a very happy Rosie, too! I'm glad you have your people back, Eva!


Vonnie said...

Awwww those pictures just fills your heart with joy :)

Ryker said...

Oh what a grand reunion! Welcome home!!!

Duke said...

Welcome home! The pups sure do look happy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Welcome home! I love the pictures because I have that same look of supreme happiness when I see the dogs after an extended time. The dogs look just as happy!!

Chris and Ricky said...

Welcome home! I am so happy to see Rosie and Eva together again!!

Dawn said...

we missed you! Those are wonderful pohtos! I think Mika is actually crying he's so happy!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Welcome back!!!! We can't wait to see more pictures and here what has been going on!!!!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

I LOVE that pic of Rosie and Eva hugging! AWwwww! SO sweet!

Yas said...

Welcome back!!


Diana said...

Yea, Happiness all around!!!!

Ms. ~K said...

Happy, happy picture!
Hugs and belly rubs!

koko said...

The pictures say it all :)... welcome home.

Licks, hero

Lorenza said...

Sure it was a very happy reunion!
Glad you are back!
Kisses and hugs

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

WELCOME HOME, we missed you so I can not imagine how Eva and Mika felt, ;-) Eva truly looks like she is smiling from ear to ear, how cool is that?

Lian said...

Glad you are home! I am sure Eva and Mika will be so happy to have you back, especially Rosie :)

Did Eva sense you near any shelties at all? :0

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Eva, so happy for you pretty girl!!! Momma is home!!!!!!!!
Now the fun gets started!!!!
Happy for you girl!!
xx, Fern

Sagira said...

welcome back home!

Kristin G. said...

Welcome home! I know you have two very happy doggies!

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