Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Crackers for paper

I was going to make some confetti out of sugar paper for a friend's daughter's present.
Eva found it so exciting, this big piece of pink paper...
And she just couldn't resist doing this.
What a little cracker she is!

On another note, Rosie has just created a Facebook page for her designs and would really appreciate it if you could help her 'like' it! After getting 100 likes she will be doing a giveaway so keep liking and sharing!! Thank you!

You can find it here:

Or alternatively, you can also find the LIKE button on the right hand sidebar of this blog. Just scroll all the way to the bottom.


IRIS E DONA said...

So fun ! I love the video ! My mom says that she remembered when I was younger (note: I'm not old ...hummmpfff) because I prefer to sleep now...

Chris and Ricky said...

I love this video! It is wonderful to see Eva so crazy and having so much fun!!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the video! Mommy was feeling a little sleepy this morning -- butt watching Eva with so much energy sure woke her up! Eva you are so silly!

Bassetmomma said...

OMG! Eva reminded me of Freddie in that video! She sure went bonkers over that pink piece of tissue paper! LOL!

Terrorzinhos said...

Super cute video! =)
Kaiser gets really crazy too when he sees a piece of paper!

Mom already liked Rosie's page! =)

Diana said...

That just makes your heart happy just watching it. I "liked" her page!!

Sheltie Times said...

Eva what fun. Sorry we are not on FB.

Remington said...

You certainly get excited over paper, don't you my friend.... We will check out the FB page!

Beth said...

That is so CUTE! Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog! I appreciate it! I know I won’t be doing this daily but will be fun to share some of the things going on in my life! I hope we can be great friends!

rottrover said...

Oh Eva!! How fun to see you being CRACKER!! Of course it was a PINK piece of paper!!

-Bart and Ruby

PS we're not on FB. If we can "like" from here we will!!

houndstooth said...

You definitely look like you're having a good time! I think Kuster would like to join you!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I have watched this SOOOOOOOOOOOO many times and am laughing just as hard each time!! OMG!!

I see why she and Dakota are a perfect match! They are BOTH crackers!!!!

Leslie said...

Oh my goodness, what a silly dog. She sure knows how to have fun! I smiled all the way through that video. :)

Helen said...

She is being terribly silly about that paper. I should see what Beckett does. :-)

Sara said...

Oh Eva! You are a silly, silly goose! Love you :)

Duke said...

Wow! You were really going nutty, Eva! I loved your video!

Love ya lots,

Vonnie said...

Love it when they take a maddie! LOL!

Cowspotdog said...

It looks like the little princess was having sooooooo much funny. Mr Denny does that when Mom puts a trash bag in the can. It is cute though :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great video!!! Eva really likes that paper:) Such fun!!!

Sorry the Momster won't do Facebook but we would "like" if we could.


Lorenza said...

I had a good laugh watching you Eva playing with that paper!
I love it!
Kisses and hugs

Linda said...

LOL, that paper sure does make Eva do strange and funny things! I'll definitely check out Rosie's FB page.

pooky said...

Love the sillines:)) I love it when they get gong like this. My baby used to do the same thing...made me so happy:) Tfs..Eva♥

Patti and DeBoys said...

You silly girl -- isn't fun to be silly once in awhile?

Ellen said...

Ha ha Eva, you are so funny! I loved this video. My little Sugar Plum does this too. I just keep cracking up every time I watch it. It's a keeper.

The Thuglets said...

Eva what a great video. You are definitely having a cracker crazy time!
Have a great day
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Ellen said...

Oh my goodness how much fun can pink paper be?! I'm so impressed it wasn't torn to itty bitty bits.

Your pirouettes are perfect!

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