Friday, April 27, 2012

Thank You =)

Rosie here.

I just want to thank you all for your kind birthday wishes!

I had a really wonderful day yesterday filled with LOTS of surprises both from my friends and even from the post!!! XD

The best surprise and present though, would have to be the one from our close friend, Lian (and her KNIGHTS shelties).

And I just really had to show off this wonderful piece of art she got for me, which I am sure we'll all treasure forever.

I'm sure many of you will remember our sweet Orah girl. And well, now she will never EVER be forgotten in our home :) 



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, that is so beautiful. What a wonderful friend you have! You surely will treasure that forever.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Chris and Ricky said...

Wonderful picture and present!! Glad you had such a good birthday!

rottrover said...


Sara said...

Perfect gift! It's no gorgeous.

houndstooth said...

That's a fantastic gift! It really is a beautiful capture of Orah and Eva!

Dawn said...

That's WONDERFUL!!!!!!

Mary Lou said...

I know what you mean about Orah. My first dog, Shadow has been gone now for nearly two years, and I still think about her, still write about her, still talk about her.... Shadow, too, will never, EVER be forgotten in our home!! ;op
What a breathtaking picture!! ;-D

verobirdie said...

Beautiful gift!

Bassetmomma said...

OMG! That is so beautiful!! What a perfect gift that you can treasure forever!

Diana said...

Its just stunning!! What a wonderful gift.

Duke said...

What a beautiful birthday gift!

Love ya lots,

IRIS E DONA said...

What a beautiful gift !

animal lover, quilt lover said...

A wonderful, beautiful birthday gift!!!!! They will be with you forever!!

Ellen said...

What a beautifully fantastic gift! You are truly blessed to have it.

pooky said...

How beautiful!! I'm sure it's proudly displayed:) And your so very welcome:)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Rosie that is simply gorgeous!!!!!!! Soooooooo beautiful!!!!!

We are thrilled that you had such a wonderful birthday, you deserve it!


Unknown said...

The picture is beautiful. Im so happy to hear your day went great!

Remington said...

BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy you had a great day....

Bailey Be Good! said...

Awww, we LOVE it! Your home must be filled with art! ;)

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Linda said...

Wow! That truly is a piece of art. So cool! I missed the birthday post. So, Happy Belated Birthday to Rosie!

The Thuglets said...

Rosie what an absolutely beautiful art work!
we are so pleased you had a lovely birthday.

Special Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Yas said...



corbinwooten said...

I am sorry I missed it--I hope you had a wonderful day!

And what an awesome present from Lian!

Oskar said...

That is just so beautiful! What a nice gift.

Nubbin wiggles,

Sagira said...

So glad you had a great birthday and nothing beats a present that has so much meaning to it, that is just beautiful. :)

Vonnie said...

A gift that means more than words can say :)

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