Friday, August 10, 2012

An unexpected visitor

We have had a few unexpected visitors, or should I say, critters lately.

Yesterday, when we came home, we noticed Mika acting very strange because he didn't run out and greet us like he usually does. He kept staring at the floor and was acting very nervous. And that was when we saw this... on our doorstep

Both Rosie and I jumped out of our skins in the car. We are absolutely terrified of cold blooded slimy things and this was no different. If you don't already know, this is a monitor lizard. They are not actually poisonous and are not harmful creatures at all but this one was on our doorstep trying to get into our house!!! It kept facing the door but luckily, the gap between the door and floor was too small for it to squeeze through. Mika was next to the lizard, wagging his tail, coming back and forth to us. Luckily he didn't eat it up!!!!! 

I reversed my car out and tried to get any of my neighbours' to help. But nobody knew how to tell the lizard to go back to its own home we were stuck outside the house, watching this creature try to enter through the front door. Well, after a few minutes, it moved away and I panicked, thinking it woud crawl in through the window, so as I ran to shut them, I think I frightened it and it ran away... and since then, we have been very careful when opening our front door!!! :)

This all happened when Eva was stuck inside her little room, not knowing what was going on. She barked a couple of times because she could hear our voices but saw none of us. She usually gets rather angry when we come home and don't visit her!! 

So here's a picture of Mika, the good brave boy that kept the lizard at bay and didn't eat it.
And Eva, who knew absolutely nothing about what had happened but just wanted to look pretty in this picture for you!

So who wins the bags of trips I brought back from the UK???

 C'est moi!!!


Cowspotdog said...

Well done Mika !!! Not sure why the Mom would be scared of an old lizard though - our Mom use to keep them as pets back home in Australia - some of them over three foot long.

Chris and Ricky said...

That is one big lizard! Thank goodness it did not get into the house!

Sara said...

Ack, you have a dinosaur on your lawn!

I've been rooting for the platform diver from Malaysia (because ya know some of my good friends live in Malaysia). So happy that she won a medal :)

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Thank dog we've never seen anything like that lizard around our house! Mommy probably would have called the police in a situation like that -- and they probably would have laughed at her! Good job Mika for protecting the estate! You deserve some of those treats too! Make sure Eva shares them, ok!

jen said...

OMD! I would of ran screaming if I saw that thing!

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, our mom would have screamed bloody murder! ICK!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

verobirdie said...

I hate cold blooded things too. At least, this one had feet...
Mika was brave!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

We have a snake that will not good away from our front door and Tom has carried her off 3 times and she just keeps coming back!!! CRITTERS???

Mary Lou said...

What a hilarious story!! ;-D
I love reptiles!! Of all kinds!! Snakes being my favorites!! Which is weird, I know!! Especially for a girl!! Especially for a girl!! I would have been so tempted to pick that lizard up, and feel "his" scaly skin beneath my fingers!! Then. I would have grown quite attached to "him"!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Bassetmomma said...

Okay, if I was screaming over a mouse, I think I would have just had a heart attack if I saw that at my door! That thing was big and ugly!! Good job Mika did keeping it at bay (and not eating it haha!) and Eva, beautiful as ever! :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, that is one ugly critter. How big is it? It looks huge in the photo, but maybe not. We are so glad you scared it away.

Tripe treats??? Oh wowzers - that is pawesome. Enjoy.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

That thing is HUGE!!!

Ryker said...

That Monitor Lizard would really give me a start too! I was so BIG! We are glad no was was injured and Mika was so brave.

Vonnie said...

Clever Mika :) Yuk! Looks so proud in the pic :)

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

when I was a child my brothers had an iguana that they accidentally let loose in the house and no one could find it. We had a lot of beams in the ceiling and places it could hide apparently. I was terrified to get out of bed at night, yuck Im with you I dont want cold blooded things in my home. Glad you kept him out of the house and hopefully continueing on his way!

Sassy The Corso said...

Big lizard! We have alligators here! Yikes! Glad it didn't get into your house!


Collie222 said...

I would not have gone near that creature either! Brave boy for alerting you to its presence.

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