Which one???
The green ball is a globe and Mummy told me where you're from, then I realised how far away you were but I always thought you lived next door; the pinky is just the right size for my teeny weeny mouth and the white softy squeaky ball is so comfy I can hug it too.
I forgot to mention the yummiest gingerbreadman biscuits. I shouldn't have shown any interest in them when my mummy opened the package because now she knows what my real weakness lies!!! She said she will only give them to me if I cooperate with her during some special 'training sessions', SIGH!!!
Dear Sara, you're so clever because you knew what I like the most.
I love them SO much!!!
Your secret admirer,

that gingerbread man is calling me...yum!!
enjoy your toys and have a funtabulous
Ooh, new toys! That's the fun part... and I take your word for it on the yummy looking gingerbreadman... only if you don't need to 'work' for it though, it would be better :)
Licks, hero
Lucky girl Eva! More pressies. Sipzie like the globe ball too as its bouce, I am sure you will love it!
Eva is a lucky and happy girl, always got gifts from her friends. :)
How nice to get some great gifts. I love the pictures too. Diana
Oh Eva, you look so cute with the toys! You should be in Planet Dog's next advertising campaign.
I was hoping the treats would make it through customs. I've never met a dog that turned those treats down.
Tell your mom she can break them into teeny tiny pieces during training. All the dogs need is a small taste, and they'll jump through hoops for those!
Thanks for my morning smile. The pictures are wonderful.
Sara is soooo nice - she sent you such awesome presents! I have some treats like those! Mom breaks them into tiny pieces too but I don't mind - I love them!
VERY nice! Have a fun weekend playing with your new toys!
Oh Eva I can see you smiling ear to furry ear! What wonderful toys you have! Sara was so kind to think of you!
That gingerbread looks good enough for me to eat too! lol.
Now you have to be a good girl in training to get them, but I know you will be!
Those toys are great!!
The gingerbread man is so darn cute:)
Now isn't that precious!
What great presents! Kelly says she especially likes the baseball. Eva is demonstrating amazing self control just laying there looking at them!
What nice presents from Sara! I just discovered those Buddy Treats and Kona just LOVES them! I also break them in pieces for training.
Eva, you look so cute, inspecting your new toys in the first picture!
It is always hard to figure out which toys to use first....I totally feel for you Eva.. THose gingerbred cookies are sooooo cute!!! They look yummy!
Hi Eva, Sorry we haven't been along much. but it is really good to see you again!
lovely presents u got there. we think you shopuld try out the squeaky toy first. and yes, u Got to convince mummy to give you some gingerbread man cookies. they look so yummmers!
Bud n Gin
We love Planet Dog toys here, too! Oh, that Gingerbread man has my name on him! I think you'd better send him over to me!
Toys AND cookies?
Oh Happy Day!
wrooo wrooo
I recognize that little tiny cookie. I use those a lot when I am working on my good dog attentions.
Those toys look like so much fun! I've never seen those treats before, guess I should go shopping!
Have fun!
What cool toys! I have seen those planet dog toys online before. So cool! And those treats look delicious!!! :-)
Licks of Love,
Great toys and awesome gingerman treat!
Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at www.PetBlogsUnited.com.
We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!
Nubbin wiggles,
How cool!... Toys AND treats! You've got a great friend! The Country Corgi Crew
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