Saturday, February 6, 2010

Eva's Grouches

From our little Princess Eva,

Do you think I look a bit different today?

Guess you've already spotted the difference. It's not that hard, is it? If it's really that hard, there is a hint here: LOOK AT MY WHITE SHAWL!

A collar. A BLUE collar. Never mind that it's blue now. I actually thought PINK suited me better. Well, I don't know whether PINK is better because I don't have any PINK collar at all. The problem is they gave me a recycled collar that Uncle Mika wore it before, and then my Mummy Hana wore it for a couple of times too; Grandmama Laura didn't wear it and it's just because her neck was too big for it. It's a recycled collar! Everybody is talking or practising recycling nowadays which is actually good to our mother Earth but a recycled collar to a princess like me is a bit ... Don't you think so?

My little Rosie wasn't so happy with this old collar either so she kept on telling her parents to get me a NEW collar. However, they have been extremely busy these days so they can't get me a new one. By the way, I think they've to face the fact that THIS blue collar is far too big for my tiny neck which means I need a PUPPY collar, may be a PINK one if it's possible ; ).

Anyway, I think they've got the message just now as I managed to free myself out of the collar without any difficulties. It's just easy-peasy. What I needed to do was to make a few wriggles and off I went.

I don't like this so-called collar thingy. I don't feel comfortable with it; it's itchy and I scratched a bit. Well, they said I need it and I will love it one day because if I behave myself with this collar thingy, I can go out with them ... My mama whispered to me that I'm going to a puppy class soon, Grandmama Laura and Uncle Mika said I can go to the park if I'm good. Oh well, I've no idea what it is, let's see... 

I still hope I could have a new one, PINK may be...


Chris and Ricky said...

Eva - you totally need a PINK collar! What are they doing to you, making you wear a blue one? Collars of any color are a pain in the beginning but you will get used to it and they are right - you get to go to lots of fun places when you are wearing one. I am looking forward to seeing you in your new PINK collar very soon!

Sara said...

Oreo took a long time to get used to his collar too. He did not like it AT ALL. He also spent a lot of time chewing on his id tag.

Eva, I agree you need a cute pink one. Although, the blue does look pretty on you. Blue is very flattering on just about everyone.

Lian said...

I also think you need a PINK or RED collar, Eva! You will soon get used to the collar.

Remington said...

I hope you get your new pink collar. But if you are cheering for the Colts in today's Super Bowl -- blue is the right color. Go Colts!

Diana said...

Well you look very cute no matter what collar you wear. Diana

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