Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tricky T-Day #2

This is Eva's first not-so-tunnel experience! 
And she also knows her name ... well, only when I call her. She'll look at me or come to me when she's called (most of the time). Unfortunately, my husband has tried calling her a couple of times but without any success. 

Our homemade tunnel was created using a box lid!
However little Eva decided that the easier way to get her treats was to jump ON the box!

But then when she realised how fun it was, she started going in and out the tunnel!

This is Eva's daily game of Flip we learned from Katie and Louie The Newfies from The Happy Haus. They said it was a gentle way of letting the pup know you are the alpha, although Hana is already teaching her lots. Eva LOVES flip!

Remember when Eva learned to jump across the drain?
Well, here she is in action!


koko said...

Looks like Eva is learning fast on the ropes of life.

Licks, hero

Sara said...

That's so cute! Of course Eva shows Oreo up, and jumps ON the box, which is his trick of the week! LOL.

Oreo learned to tunnel with a cardboard box that I opened at both ends.

Eva is such a cutie. She always makes me smile.

Chris and Ricky said...

Eva is a natural agility star! She looks so happy going through her tunnel and she doesn't even have to jump over the drain any more - she can just walk over it! Big girl!!

Lian said...

Clever little girlie!

Remington said...

You are VERY, VERY smart!

Josie said...

Ohhh, the one photo of Eva in the flip towel is just so precious. Thanks so much for sharing all of these moments. They just make me smile from ear to ear. Please give her a kiss from Josie. Just a beautiful girl...Much Love. Woof soon.

Deborah said...

OMD, she is just so cute!!!!

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