Sunday, November 28, 2010

Barkday Presents!

Something came in the post, but I'm not too sure who it's from!

Look! It was sent to ME!! Must be a present! 

Ok. Let's see what we have in here!!
My mommy was speechless! She knew that this parcel could only come from the one and only, Lian!
I got a personalized fleece harness, a gorgeous sheltie tag, and all those treats you see in front of you including this huge hoof, which may be a cow or horse or pig hoof! WOW!
I can tell you that it was terrible difficult to get me to pose for the camera. I had to do the 'leave it' command so many times because the smell wafting from the treats was just too much to resist!

This harness even has my name on it!!

Isn't this the most awesomest greenie you have ever seen???
I mean, apart from the broken arm and legs, which I nibbled off!
 Spot the tag, it is beautiful, isn't it?
The other side has my name and contacts

Thank you Aunty Lian, you've made me a very happy puppy!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Eva!!!!! What wonderful birthday gifts you received!
What a lucky, lucky girl!!!
You look beautiful in your new harness and tag and we have never, ever seen a greenie like that!

You were wonderful at practicing "leave it"...that showed enormous restraint!

We hope you had a wonderful birthday and we hope you enjoy your beautiful presents!

Love, Caren, Cody and Dakota

Noah said...

You are a lucky girl Eva! That is one nice gift package. Enjoy!

the teacher's pets said...

I must say that you are one of the luckiest girls in the whole wide world to have an Auntie like that! She must've been stashing away all of those gifts for months to have a pile that high! I love the personalized halti and the huge greenie the best! Happy Barkday to you!

Deb said...

That last pic of you should be on a magazine cover. You are one beauty! My Kane would do back-flips for you:)
Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

George The Lad said...

Wow Eva that's a big box of goodies, I can see there are two of some things will you be shareing with Mika?
I have got you photo and is in my steps file, mom says she is going to print them out soon.
Enjoy your treats
See Yea George xxx

Ruth said...

Wonderful presents! You're gonna enjoy those right?

verobirdie said...

I understand it was difficult to stay calm in front of all those gifts!
The harness is beautiful on you!

Anonymous said...

Yay! What a beautiful harness for such a beautiful Eva. Happy Barkday! It looks like you had a fantastic time celebrating.

Terrorzinhos said...

Great gifts!
you look really beautiful with the harness!!
I mean you are beautiful with anything!!


Remington said...

WOWZERS! You got great presents, Eva! And you look so beautiful! Enjoy your day!

♥ Sallie said...

What great presents! Yay!


Chris and Ricky said...

You got such great gifts from your Aunt Lian! I really love your harness with your name on it and from the smile on your face in that last photo, I can tell you love it too!

Sara said...

What a beautiful harness and sheltie tag! Love them! I'm sure you will enjoys all your tasty goodies too!

What a wonderful surprise for a special girl.

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

WOW, love that personalized harness, I never thought of having names put on cool is that? You are truly one lucky and loved doggie!!!!

Duke said...

What beautiful gifts your got from your Aunty Lian, Eva! Your harness is just gorgeous!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said... sure are one lucky pup. I love the thing with your name on it. Can I borrow your Aunt? :)

houndstooth said...

I love your fabulous presents! That harness is so darned cute, and your tag is beautiful. I would have had a hard time leaving the treats alone for a picture, too!


Yas said...

Pawsome pressies! Truly deserving!


MadameMoiselle said...

Happy birthday Princess Eva !

You've got some serious package there.. and the greenie is the coolest looking thing in there.. wonder where Aunt Lian got it from..


D.K. Wall said...

Wow - what a haul for your barkday!

Lian said...

Glad you like your pressies Eva. I am glad the harness makes you look so pretty!

Dexter said...

Great loot! I hope you are going to share at least some of it.


Diana said...

What great gifts!! Diana

Peggy Frezon said...

You look beautiful in that halter. And I can tell you enjoyed the cute greenie before Mom got a chance to photograph it! Enjoy all those treats.

Sierra Rose said...

Oh wow! What a fantastic box of presies! Enjoy :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Coco said...

What a lucky girl you are!! I've never had such a big box of presents. All the presents look very nice and expecially the harness is so cool with your name on it.

Ryker said...

Happy Birthday Eva! You have matured into a gorgeous dog! But they say your still a puppy for another year so enjoy!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I'm back from my Holiday break. first belated birthday to you. What a great presents from your Aunty Lian ... you are very lucky birthday pup. Enjoy! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Thuglets said...

Eva.a very special birthday package for a very special girl!

Wow some wicked goodies. You look gorgeous in your new harness collar!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

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