Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's a special someone's birthday today!

Hi everyone!! Eva here!!
Do you know whose special day is today?
Well, take a guess!!

I can already see my presents piling up and I can't wait to open them!!
A little birdie told me that we're going on a surprise trip too!! Now I really can't wait!

I'll be back a few hours later and tell you how I celebrate it! Watch out!!!


Chris and Ricky said...

No way, Eva, is it your birthday already? Well Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Bella and Ollie said...

Best wishes for your Birthday Eva, we hope you have a fantastic day !
Love from Bella and Ollie.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...


What a beautiful young lady you have become!

Wow that year went fast!
I know your Mom and Dad (and Mika) are going to make this day extra special for you!!
Enjoy!! You deserve it!!
Can't wait to hear (and see!!) about your trip today!
I bet it is going to be soooooo much fun!!
Much love!
Caren, Lenny, Cody and Dakota (woof!!)

the booker man said...

woohooo!! happy happy happy birthday, miss eva!! enjoy celebratin' your special day! i can't wait to hear about your surprise trip and your pressies! :)

the booker man

pee s -- i really liked hearing mika's gotcha story!

houndstooth said...

Happiest of Birthdays, Miss Eva! May you have many, many, many more!


Pepsi Bum said...

Oh, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun on this special day!

Happy 1st Birthday Eva!!


George The Lad said...

Happy Birthday Eva, have a great time and hope you get plenly of foodables
See Yea George xxx

The Thuglets said...

Happy Birthday Eva 1 today!

Big Birthday Nose Pokes from us.

we hope you have a fabulous day with lots of pressies & a cakie!!

Absoloutely fabulous photo of you gorgeous girl!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets X

verobirdie said...

I can't believe you are already 1 year old!
Happy birthday to you!

Lian said...

Happy FIRST Birthday Eva!! Hope your mummy and daddy spoil you rotten with lots of treat!

Duke said...

George the Welshie told us that today was your birthday! Happy birthday, Eva! We hope you have a fun-filled day!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Happy birthday to Eva! All grown up now and so beautiful, too. Have a wonderful birthday and many, many more.

lotsa birthday licks, Lola

Piappies World said...

Weeeeeee!!! It's THE day! Happy Happy Barkday, Princess Eva! You are indeed growing up to be a very wonderful pup girl!

Enjoy the surprises your hoomans got for you.

We send you our puppy kisses and hugs!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Patti and DeBoys said...

Happy Birthday!

Coco said...

Happy Birthday Eva.
Love Coco XxX

Texas The Doxie said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Casper Bear said...

I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday Eva! From the photos it looks like you had a GREEEAAT day!
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

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