Friday, March 4, 2011

Anna's Tongue Contest!!

Our beautiful GSD friend, Anna is holding a fun tongue contest and my mom thought we could enter it and let everyone have a smile on the face. 
Check this out!!!

 I'm not good at tongue arts 
 so I can only show you some of my cute tongue pictures
for fun :)

  Have a great weekend!!!


jen said...

Good luck in the contest Eva!
We think you have the pefect tongue!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Eva you silly, silly girl!! I was going to say you are far to ladylike for these shenanigans...but then....I saw your tongue pictures and I laughed and laughed and said YEP! You definitely are in the running for this one!
You have a great weekend too!
Thinking of you!

Chris and Ricky said...

Terrific tongue photos!! I'd say you could win the contest Eva with that tongue! :)

Guess Rosie's recital must be over by now - hope it went well and she had fun and can now enjoy some much needed rest! :)

Lian said...

Gosh! No one can beat this Eva! You are a tongue monster :)

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You got some great tongue shots Eva!
~lickies, Ludo

Amber-Mae said...

You have a very very very cute tongue Eva! So glad to know you've joined in the contest too. Good luck!

TimberLove said...

oh those are remarkable shots!! Woo are definitely going to win!!

Anna the GSD said...

Oooh! So many choices!! But I got one of them! I'll reveal the pic next week. Have a super weekend!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What great pictures Eva!! You simply have to be the winner!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Bocci said...

Great pics of your tongue, Eva! We're rooting for you!

Cowspotdog said...

Wow - that is a long tongue you have - those are terrific photo's

Vonnie said...

Tongue out and still gorgeous! Have a good weekend :-

George The Lad said...

Eva you have a big tongue for a cute girl!!!
Just read your last post, wow what a place to play, I'm thinking about her, I wish it was not so far away I would have loved to have heard her play ;)
Have a Good Weekend
See Yea George xxx

Amy Wood said...

Wow! Those are some great photos. I wish you luck in the contest. I would vote for your cute pics! Have a nice weekend too!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Eva, your entries at tongue-tacular! Good luck, pretty girl!

Peggy Frezon said...

Your tongue, like every little part of you, is adorable!

houndstooth said...

Oh my dogs! Eva, there are so many cute tongue shots! Good luck to you in the contest!


the booker man said...

holy cow, miss eva, your tongue is crazy go nuts long in that second picture! heehee!

the booker man

Lorenza said...

Those are pawesome tongue pictures!
Good luck at the contest!
Happy weekend to you too!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Those are great tongue pictures, Eva! Good luck!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sara said...

Eva! Your tongue is so cute. Love the photos with you in your pool.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

OMD, you have the BEST tongue photos!
Furry good luck in the contest!


Kristin G. said...

You have an excellent portfolio here Eva. Good luck!!

Remington said...

Great post! I am still smiling!

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

I have to say....ya got some pretty good tongue pictures and have a pretty impressive tongue for such a beautiful princess!!!

Sagira said...

You would win for sure Eva! So cute. :)

MadameMoiselle said...

That picture of you in the pool will win for sure !! That look just hynotize all of our heart..


Kirby, CGC said...

Hi Beautiful Eva,
Even with your tongue hanging out you are still pretty!!! Good luck in the contest, we hope Rosie's recital went well!


Dexter said...

Those are all excellent and very adorable photos. I bet you will win for sure.


Bella and Ollie said...

You have a great tongue and we hope you win !
Love from Bella and Ollie.

ForPetsSake said...

These are some impressive pics....tough competition!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Even your tongue is talented and beaWOOtiful!


lew said...

Cute tongue pics, Eva. :D

Kisses from James

Julia Williams said...

Eva, those are all great tongue shots, but I especially love the one where your tongue is curled up over your nose!

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of tongue photos! Your human is pretty good at capturing some candid moments. You have gotta win for sure.

It's funny, Eva looks gorgeous and classy even with her tongue sticking out. Just like a Sheltie. :-)

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

I love all your pictures, Eva! I might enter the contest too, if we have time. I hope you win!

Dawn said...

EXCELLENT tongue pictures!

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