Thursday, April 7, 2011

Name contest!!

Our buddy, Reilly, over at Cowspotdog is having another one of his fabulous contests to win his momma's awesome card designs!

I have a slight feeling I've written a post about this before, but haven't the time to dig it up again!

As many of you know, I was born right at home in my garden after it had rained that evening. (The story as to why I was born in the garden in the first place can be read here if any of you are interested!!)

Well, my dad wanted to call me "Rain". They kept the name up for a few days until my sister Rosie and mommy decided that "Rain" sounded way too depressing! So Rosie cracked her brains until she decided on a name she liked a lot...and that is "Eva".

She got the name from an awesome Pixar animation, as many of you may know, called Wall-E!
Eve is in fact the white flying robot's name...but when Wall-E calls her, he says "Eeeee- Va" in his electronic voice and it sounds so cute!

I still have the name 'Rain', but it is in my kennel name as Caledonian Rainbow.  
(I think Rainbow is much better than Rain!)

I like the name "Eva". I look like an Eva, don't I?


Duke said...

We love the story behind your name! You absolutely look like an Eva!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sapphire said...

Pretty Eva!

Cowspotdog said...

Eva is the perfect name for you and Mom loved the movie Wall-e too so she knew straight away how to say your name. Thank you for playing along :)

Sara said...

I can't imagine calling you anything else but Princess Eva! It is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Chris and Ricky said...

You do look like an Eva! Rosie came up with the perfect name for you!

Remington said...

Eva is a perfect name for you!

houndstooth said...

Eva suits you beautifully! I have a blog friend named Wall E, too! I think Rainbow is rather pretty, though.


Sheltie Times said...

I think that is a great way to get a name.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"A Sheltie by any other name would still BE as SWEET!!"


Kathy Mocharnuk said...

I too can not imagine Eva with any other name, it just fits her to a the red fleece harness by the way it looks marvelous. Love hearing the story of her name!!!

Anna the GSD said...

I like Eeeee-va better than Rain, so good choice on that one!

ps. mom and dad love that movie too!!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

pawfect for you! Condidering Eve made Wal-e fall in love with her and I bet you do that to everyone you meet!

Sagira said...

I love your name! So pretty and matches you well. :)

Lorenza said...

I did not know the story of your name!
It is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Peggy Frezon said...

Nice story! You are a beautiful Eva Rain Rainbow!

Bailey Be Good! said...

I LOVE the name, Eva! I'm glad Rosie thought of Eva -- it suits you!

Woofs & hugs,


Amy Wood said...

I think Eva is a beautiful name so it definitely suits you!

Unknown said...

Beautiful Princess Eva!!!

Have a nice weekend!

We have an award for you in our blog! Come and collect it please!

Kirby, CGC said...

We love the story behind your name beautiful Eva! We loved the Wall-E movie too, I didn't know it came from there! We love your kennel name too, very pretty!!

Kirby and his mom

the booker man said...

miss eva!

i remember readin' about how you got your name 'n stuff! did you do mr. frankie's name game last july? or maybe it was miss minna's "story of me" back at thanksgiving?
my mama looooves wall-e, and we think you very much look like an "eeeee-va"! heehee.

the booker man

Dawn said...

Eva is an excellent name for you! When you are older you will be Queen Eva!

katie, Maizey and Magnus said...

Well I finally made it over to read your name story and I hadn't heard it before! I thought I had, but I don't remember it and it's a GREAT story! I like Eva better than Rain too, but Rain is very pretty. Rosie is a good dog namer-I know she loves you very much!

Your blog is looking very nice, I like your about this blog and how you mention the friends you've made with blogging, it's so true!

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