Sunday, July 24, 2011

Orah, the rottie

She's here! The long awaited black and tan :)

We will be taking care of Orah this summer - a friend is letting Rosie (who is crazy about rotties) have her for this summer.

She is 8 months old, and very very sweet AND beautiful!!!

The dogs are fine with her, and she is settling in very well!

At first, when we first met her, she was a bit wary of us, but after coming back home she is much sweeter, happier, and she is very much attached to humans too. 

We hope to have many many more days of joy and fun with this very active puppy!!


Kirby, CGC said...

We love Orah's tail!! We also saw your post on the monkeys, that has to be so neat to see monkeys in your backyard. To see them here, we have to go to a zoo!!

Cheryl and Kirby

Dawn said...

oh my goodness! She is beautiful! Look how BIG she is!

Sara said...

Everyone is going to have a blast with Orah. What a treat for Rosie!

How Sam Sees It said...

What a sweet face!


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

She is gorgeous and wow is she big compared to you.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What a beautiful puppy!!! She is really big too!! I used to have a rottie years ago and she was a very precious dog!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

ohhhh!!! When I just left a comment on Facebook I thought she was staying with you permanently!!!

Ohhhh she IS a stunner! She looks like a showdog!

Eva seems to already be making friends with her. Orah is a gorgeous girl! Enjoy!

Barb said...

Beautiful black n tan! Have fun with her. :)

Chris and Ricky said...

Gorgeous girl!! Hope you all have a great time with her this summer!

Duke said...

We can only imagine how much fun you're going to have with Orah, Eva!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Nice to see that full Rottie tail. She is a beauty!


rottrover said...

OMD OMD OMD!!! She's a beauty! She has such a sweet face, and we love that she kept her tail. Oh we can't wait to see more of her. HI ORAH!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

How cool, she gets some great babysitting in a fantastic environment and treated as a member of the family and you all get to play with her for the summer, a real win win, very cool!

verobirdie said...

Orah's tongue and tail have quite an attitude! Oh wait, I know why her tail looks strange to me: rotties don't have tail herr. It is clipped at birth. I think she is the first rottie I see with a tail :-)

Sheltie Times said...

Have fun with your new friend Eva.

houndstooth said...

Aww! She's so cute! I hope you have lots of fun together!


Sagira said...

How cute! Love the curly tail.

katie, Maizey and Magnus said...

Oooh I am SO jealous!!;) How wonderful to check in and see a big black and tan girl on your blog again! Not that I don't love the Eva and Mika pics, but you know I'm with Rosie in loving the Rotties.:)) I'm so happy for you Rosie, and I expect many more pics and stories over the summer. Have fun Rosie!

Diana said...

She is beautiful!! And look at that tail. Too cute!

Vonnie said...

She is gorgeous with a mischevious face LOL! What long legs she has next to Eva. Good to hear their all getting along :)

Vonnie said...

Ooopppssss meant to say love the name :)

DSS said...

Isn't she beautiful! You sure do have your hands full for a few months :)

Ryker said...

Bet it's nice having a Rottie in the house again. She is charming and gotta love that tail!

Lian said...

I love the name Orah. I know nothing about Rottie but she looks very sweet. Have fun with her!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

I love her! I love her tail! Why ONLY the summer????

Kristin G. said...

She's so gorgeous!

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