Friday, September 7, 2012

Dress-up for Rosie

While packing for Rosie to go back to the UK, we saw some items that we just HAD to put on Eva!

We don't ever dress her up, but in this case, Rosie wanted to photograph her looking cute so this poor girl had to endure it!

With some editing, these turned out looking like studio shots!

Wearing Rosie's beret which she's taking back to UK.
I think she just wanted Eva's fur to stick in it...


Anonymous said...

Eva, those pictures really look pawesome!!

Unknown said...

Brilliant pics of Eva. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Milo and Jet said...

Eva you look so fabulous with that lovely bow in your fur and wearing that beret. Also what Pawesome Photo's

From Milo & Jet

Sara said...

They really do look like studio shots! Stunning.

Dexter said...

Stunning. I don't think that qualifies as dressing up, just enhancing.


IRIS E DONA said...

Oh Eva, you look fabulous! and the pics really look like studio shots !
Like I said, you are a Star !!


Chris and Ricky said...

Gorgeous photos! Eva is so good at putting up with Rosie's photo shoots! :)

Remington said...


jen said...

Those are beautiful pictures! Rosie really did a great job!
I love Eva in the beret!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

More then Beautiful!!! You're a star Eva!!!!

Cowspotdog said...

That are truly beautiful photo's but it helps to have a beautiful subject too.

rottrover said...

Eva's smile says, "I'd do anything for you, Rosie..." Very beautiful!

Vonnie said...

LOL! Eva will pose in anything LOL!

Julia Williams said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Those are amazing photos. I esp. love Eva in the beret!

Duke said...

You could wear anything and look great, Eva! You are such a beautiful girl!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lorenza said...

Eva you look gorgeous in all those pictures!
I am sure Rosie loves the result!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Yas said...

Ever so beautiful!!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMG Dakota and I are dying from how adorable these are!!!! LOVE THESE!

Diana said...

Wow, thouse turned out great!!!

houndstooth said...

I think those pictures of Eva are fantastic, and she doesn't look like it's bothering her one little bit!


Reuben said...

Holy molies Eva, those is beautiful pictures! They totally looks professional - your beauties adds to the professionalness, of course.


Dawn said...

oh my goodness!!! LOVE the blue hat... :)

Mary Lou said...

Finally getting around to playing catch-up since returning home from our trip.... ;)
Eva looks a little bit like Minnie Mouse with that bow on her head!! Too cute!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the glamor photos! Very nice.

Oskar said...

Fantastic shots!

Nubbin wiggles,

George The Lad said...

Beautiful photos and you have not over dressed her, I think it adds to the photo.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Bassetmomma said...

How adorable these pics are! I love the one of you in the beret! :)

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Oh my! These are just gorgeous!!

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