Thursday, January 13, 2011

My New Scrunchy

A beautiful scrunchy came to me this afternoon and I can't wait to show it off to all of you.

Showtime ...



But Mummy got some naughty ideas ...
Look what she did to me : (

I really don't think I look good at all!!!

This lovely scrunchy is given by Simba, he had a Christmas giveaway in December and I was one of the lucky winners of Simba's Christmas Spectacular.

Thank you very much, Simba and Paige!!!


Sagira said...

You are beautiful in your new scrunchy Eva! :)

Sam said...

Adorable scrunchy, Eva. And I have to admit - I probably would have done the same thing to you if you were my dog. I bet your mom just couldn't resist! ;)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Eva your Mommy is soooooooo silly!!!! LOL!!

You STILL look lovely to me!
How wonderful that you won such a pretty gift!

I love how you are posing with your paw in the air like such a refined lady!!

Send your Mama our love!

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Congrats on Winning that beautiful Scrunchy! It looks wonderful on you Eve!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Eve, you look very beautiful with your new Scrunchy!! Paige and Simba are great at giving wonderful things to others!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Pepsi Bum said...

You look very beautiful with the scrunchy, Eva!

I really wonder why hoomans like to do funny things to us...


Patti and DeBoys said...

Not only are you a Princess, but a lucky one!

Sorry, your mom was naughty, ours would have done the same to us. Why do they think this is funny. :)

Diana said...

Beautiful Eva!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

You don't look like a cracker dog with that on your head!

ForPetsSake said...

Eva's such a feminine girl - very pretty. I think she looks like a flower with it around her face!!

houndstooth said...

You look so adorable and feminine in that scrunchy!


Lorenza said...

You look gorgeous, no matter how you use it!
Kisses and hugs

jen said...

You look beautiful in your new scrunchy Eva!!

If I was you mom I wouldn't of been able to resist trying other ways to wear it either:)

verobirdie said...

No matter how you wear the scrunchy, you are beautiful!

Duke said...

You look like a beautiful flower in the last two pictures, Eva!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

George The Lad said...

Eva don't worry to much you look beautiful even with a scrunchy on your head, but it did remind me of little red riding hood :)
See Yea George xxx

Sara said...

Eva, you look so beautiful with the scrunchy around your neck....and on your head. You are very patient to put up with your human's antics.

Chris and Ricky said...

That scrunchy makes a very cute collar! Your mom is silly but you are quite good at cooperating with her goofiness!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I think you look beautiful no matter what. You are a Sheltie, after all. You would look pretty with a paper bag on your head.

That scrunchie is very nice. I love how tolerant you are of your mother's antics. :-)

Remington said...

That is pretty. But with YOU wearing it -- it is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

you looked so pretty especially the last one although your mom tried to make you look silly, you managed to pull it off looking like a sweet flower girl....

love, Seraph

Anna the GSD said...

OMG why don't I have one of those?!?!?! Tooooo cute!!! Maybe your mom wanted to see if it would make good ear warmers?? :)

Peggy Frezon said...

Congrats on your prize. You look beautiful no matter how you wear it!

Unknown said...

Eva Dahlin!
U look as fabulous as ever!
Congratulations on winning!

Mummy just couldn't resist, could she!!BOL BOL!!

wags, Bud, Gin n Shadow

Vonnie said...

Pink may just be your colour, very pretty :) Clever girl letting mum muck around LOL!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Your scrunchy makes you look beautiful! And when your Mama put it up around your head you look kinda like a flower!

Ryker said...

You are very creative with that thingy. You look like a flower in those last two shots!

Anonymous said...

Very glad you liked it. Those photos are great!!!! SO glad it arrived safely!! :-)

Paige & Simba

Kristin G. said...

You look lovely, Eva. You always look lovely. :)

Sierra Rose said...

You look pretty cute with the scrunchie on :) What a great gift!!

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose

The Thuglets said...

Eva..your scrunchie looks good however you wear it!

Such a gorgeous girl you are.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Ruth said...

Your scrunchy's beautiful Eva!

Congratulations on your win!

Annette - Dazzling Dogz said...

I'm so glad that the scrunchy we donated fit and looks great on you.

Annette & Nickie from

the booker man said...

miss eva!

you look so totally cutesies in your new pink 'n red scrunchy!! i'm sorry, but i got the giggles about how your mama put it around your head like that cuz it makes you look like a pink doggie flower. teeheehee! :)

the booker man

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

aweeee, how beautiful!

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