Some people say it's a sheltie thing. They say shelties are really really good with children.
I'm not sure whether it's true but this is something that happened recently.
I took Eva back to my parents' one afternoon. As my mom does some babysitting, there are always little children or babies in the house. Since Eva visited them for the first time when she was 2-3 months old, she is very calm with them.
She has never had any problems or reactions to babies when they cry, scream, run around, etc.
She is always so gentle, and so calm!!
Not the usual sheltie growling and jumping at cats if you know what I mean when she's at home.
This time, when I took her back, a little boy (only around 10 months old) wanted to touch her.
As he crawled towards her, and start poking her nose and face gently with his hand, she lay there very still. Wary, but still...and of course, I was watching them very carefully.
He then noticed her paws and proceeded to prod them. Again, she still didn't move.
But then, he started pulling on her fur so I had to intervene, yet she still didn't move, or show any aggression, or agitation.
I was there constantly praising her.
What a good girl!
Yeah! That's our Eva girl!!!
Nice job Eva!!
That's good because that means Eva's a steady & stable dog. Dogs that cannot tolerate little things like being poked & pulled around like that are not safe to be around little children. Ofcourse, little kids also must be taught to respect animals & not treat them roughly.
Maybe you should consider getting her into therapy work? I'm sure with her cute looks & nice temperament, she could make other people happy.
What a good girl Eva! That's wonderful.
My first sheltie, Munchkin, loved kids. I think it was because we lived near a little league park, and his whole puppyhood, he was inundated with kids.
Eva is such a good girl and female dogs tend to be a lot more tolerant. Reilly is not fond of children at all - probably because he has never been around them.
Good girl Eva! It is wonderful that she has such a sweet temperament with kids and you don't have to worry about what she might do.
that's our Shelties!! Dakota is good with little ones too....I think it is the sensitivity that Shelties naturally possess.
Great job Eva!
That's wonderful! We have a sheltie rescue here in Michigan and so many of them say they will not adopt to a home with kids. We grew up with neighbors with a sheltie and she absolutely adored kids!!! Way to go beautiful Eva!!
Kirby is "tolerant" of kids, he does better with those 5 and up, but does "okay" with my 2 1/2 year old nephew. He's not fond of his fast moves and "poking", but will be very gentle with him when taking treats.
Kirby's mom
Good girl Eva!
What a wonderful feeling to be able to watch her react so well around little ones! I always get a bit nervous when little ones come right up to the Newfs, they are not at all concerned about their size and have no fear of these giant dogs. The Newfs never disappoint me and always just just sit there and take it!
good job Eva, glad you were there to interevien when they kids pushed it too much so Eva is always able to trust kids! I wish I had some kids to expose my younger dogs too, since my kids are older now Cricket never was around kids and is scared of them ;-(
What a great dog!
Aw, what a good girl! I always worry about Corbin and small children... since I don't have any kids and don't really know anyone with kids, Corbin hasn't had much interaction with them. When we run into kids on a walk that ask to pet him, I make sure they give him a cookie because he has had times where he's growled.
Great job Eva. Bailey is like that too. Katy is long gone before adult or human can get near her.
Well done! However, I don't think any animal should have to let the little kids be naughty to them -- poking and pulling....the little ones need to be educated just in case they come upon someone that is NOT understanding like you....I'm just saying....
Eva, you are such a wonderful princess!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
Well done Eva, I myself would not stayed there like that, I would have jumped up and wanted him to play. I wouldn't bite I just get excited.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
oh I forgot to say, it helps if the parents teach little ones how to be around dogs :)
Well done Evie, you're sooooo good! We don't see many Munchkins so I'm not sure how we would be, I know we wouldn't like it if they pulled our beards but if they had treats we'd be veeeeery good :-) Dex & Lou x
Great job, Eva! Mitch is scared of little children and we wish he wasn't.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
How awesome Eva is so tolerant, despite the aggravation of having her fur pulled. It's not easy for a dog to be so patient with children. She is even more special than I imagined!
Eva is a good girl! Sounds like she has a lot of patience.
It is a Sheltie trait! Actually, it's true of a lot of herding breeds. Almost every Sheltie we've had was good with young children, save the current one my mom has now. It's one of the things I love about them!
It is a Sheltie trait! Actually, it's true of a lot of herding breeds. Almost every Sheltie we've had was good with young children, save the current one my mom has now. It's one of the things I love about them!
You are a very good girl, Eva!
Kisses and hugs
miss eva,
you are such a way super good girlie! i think you should get 50 gazillion yummy delish treatsies for bein' so gentle with that little two legger. :)
i still get in trouble with the little two leggers cuz i just get so so so full of the excitements, and i forget not to jump up on them sometimes. mama has to give me a time out and remind me that i am biggie sized and could hurt a little two legger by jumpin' up on them. plus, she says it might scare them, too. sigh. i'll get it right soon!!
the booker man
Furry good job Princess Eva!
Such a good girl, Eva! We are proud of you!
I love little people and can be trusted just to lick them:-)
Eva is a good girl!
Eva is patient!
Qoo loves children, but dislikes a child speaking loudly.
Good girl, Eva! You are the perfect babysitter!
My sister, Stanzie, is slightly afraid of children (she hides). I like them, but I want to jump on them.
Wow, Eva, you are the most patient doggie ever. I would never have been able to put up with that.
Good job Eva!!
Princess Eva, you're such a good girl! Soooo patient!
Very good girl Eva! I would never trust Katie around little ones! She's too jumpy!
Awww, that's great Eva ! I'm trying to be nice and gentle and to stay still too when I'm with young human pups but find it hard sometimes, I'm still a big clumsy boy. hehe !
I believe Most Sheltie are good with kids! They have great temp.
Good job Eva!
Such a good girl, with such a sweet face.
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