Dear friends,
I'm so sorry for not posting much recently.
I have been so busy guarding the house, supervising the housework,
scolding the cats, and pleasing the humans!
I just haven't had the time to go on the computer and BLOG!
Did you miss me?

It's been raining a lot these past few weeks.
I seldom have the time to go out and do my outdoor activities,
but when the rain stops, a big smile spreads on my face!

Can I tell you a little secret?
Although I always bark at the thunder just like my momma used to,
I think I am a bit scared of it. It is always so loud that it shakes the whole house.
When mommy and daddy are around me, I can be really brave and bark at it,
but I still hide under their feet.
But when they're gone, I feel so very uncomfortable so I go into my crate.
Do any of you have similar problems?
Mommy and daddy never comfort me either!
They say that it isn't good to reinforce my behaviour but cuddling me when I'm scared.

I've never heard of anything more outrageously silly!
There is also some really exciting news in Blogville!
A new sheltie puppy has entered into the blogging spirit.
I have to say, he IS pretty cute!
And he's just like me!
He's got a fetish for tails :) BOL
No idea what that is?
This is what I mean!

I think if we met, we'd be best buddies chasing each other's tails around.
I still LOVE my Uncle Mika's tail, and he always allows me to
pull it around. What a gentleman he is!
See ya around!
Thanks for introducing us to your new puppy friend and their blog.
Our two cents: we think you're right not to reinforce inappropriate behavior with affection. You also may want to observe your behavior during a thunderstorm to make sure you're not inadvertantly role modeling that behavior through your actions-like shuddering, souding or looking or even feeling alarmed at the sounds...
Hi Bocci,
Eva does a lot of pacing up and down and deep growling (that is actually adorable!). She is restless, but there have never been any signs of shuddering, or even looking dead terrified at the sounds.
Eva we have missed you!!!! Don't feel bad though. Mom has been super bad about letting me use the computer since I was at the vet and I haven't updated either!!
Thank you for introducing us to Chewy!! Chewy is so cute and we are now following Chewy!
If you like Chewy and Oreo and Sara, then they are ok with us!
Love, Dakota, Mom and Cody
Hi Eva,
Chewy is adorable! If he ever visited you, you could both chase your Uncle's tail, too!
Kelly doesn't mind thunder. I hope you will feel okay the next time you hear thunder. It's okay to snuggle down someplace where you feel secure.
Chewy is soooo cute!
Hi Eva! We've been getting lots of rain too and I smile a lot if the sun comes out even for a minute! I bark at thunder because I want everyone to know I heard something! :)
Ofcourse we missed you silly girl! Chewy is a real cutie. Thanks for introducing him to us all.
4 of us Goldens have absolutely no problem with the rain nor thunder. The spotted one on the other hand doesn't like it too much. She shivers, pants & paces around the house. Sometimes even following our hoomies around like a velcro during rain & thunderstorms. My hoomies do not comfort nor pay any attention to her. Hoomie Melissa does not like a dog that is clingy so she corrects Faith everytime she trails Melissa around the house. She gets asked to go away or to go her "spot". Comforting her will do nothing good for her. It will only make her be MORE afraid of the rain & thunder. So your hoomies are doing the right thing. Sorry Eva.
I do think that when a dog barks at thunder, it should get corrected for it unless ofcourse it is just one or two barks but if the dog consistently barks at every thunder, it can progress into an obsessive behaviour & if not corrected early, it'll be hard to break later.
Eva, there's nothing for you to be afraid of with the thunder. It won't harm you. It is just having a conversation with the lightning. HEE
You look so happy when you are out in your garden and you know you have to keep an eye on those pesky kitties! Isn't Chewy just the most adorable puppy!
Oh Eva, I just love it when you smile! But those puppy pictures are pretty darn cute too!
Eva, Chewy would love to play with you! Wish we could stop by for a playdate.
Misty was always scared of thunder. Never could calm her during a storm.
That puppy photo of Eva pulling Hana's tail really looks so much like Chewy! I hope he grows up to be as gorgeous as Eva.
I think it's going to be a lot of fun to watch Chewy grow up! I think he'll keep Oreo very busy.
Have your mom and dad ever thought about getting you a thundershirt? A lot of Greyhound people swear by them for their hounds who are upset by thunder, and I've heard it can really help. I'm not scared of thunder, but I really dislike loud drum sounds and sirens, and Mom is thinking about getting me one before the local parade this year, since it goes right past my house.
I would miss you a lot, except we've been absent from Blogville a lot. Blog Mom is getting old and can't stay up much at night after work sometimes. I think I have to try new supplements on her.
We are not bothered by thunder. I think that's a Pei thing because neither of us nor our half Pei predecessor have been bothered by it. I'm not sure it's going to help if your folks don't comfort you. I've heard that it's not just fear, but that it's painful for somedoggies ears. Blog Mom says her Lab was a wreck during thunderstorms and she was a much brave dog about everything else in the world and never got scared about anything else.
Eva, Katie barks at thunder too...I think she's sort of afraid but is trying to be brave to protect her humans.
Eva, of course we missed you!! We love you and your pictures are always so pretty! Thanks for showing us Chewy! He looks like a great friend to have! We are so sorry about the thunder scaring you. So far, there hasn't been a problem here with me but mom's last dog, Alex, was very afraid of storms and would shake and try and run out the door if he could. Storms can be very scary so it's best that you stay close to your mom and dad!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Of course we've missed u gorgeous :) Chewy is lovely! Khandi likes to pull tails too :)
I hope the rain stays away so you can play and bark outside!
Of course we've missed you, Miss Beautiful. That Chewy is pretty cute, but you were cuter!! Just saying...
Rottie Kisses
Of khourse woo've been missed!!!
Thanks fur sharing that khutie with us!
As fur storms and stuff, I don't get khrazy khrazy but I do get a bit anxious and want to be near to Mom -
Yes, we have missed you for sure!
Oh my...Chewy is adorable. :)
Hi Eva!
Your pup friend sure is cute!!! Mommy's all ooohs and aaahhhs over here! We're glad to have you back and blogging!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
You bet we missed you, but lots of cute pictures tonight make up for your absence, and glad to hear you have been doing good ;-)
I hate storms and fireworks and I always stick close to mom and dad until the noise stops, Eva.
Chewy is just adorable!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Eva. Angus, here. I hate thunder storms like you do. I get very upset . I cry, shake, pant and just can’t sit still. My human is like yours though and never gives me any cuddles when I am upset as it just makes me feel worse. I end up sitting right next to her bed until the thunderstorm is over. I feel safer when I’m close to Ros. Milo does not care about storms like I do. Chewy is so cute!
Your humans are correct to not cuddle you during the thunder storms, sad as that might sound. Try to be brave. I'm not bothered by them in the least by my Grandpa Angus was mental and had to be given the valium lest he try and go up the chimney.
We had to have Dad take Mom to the human vet this week as none of our Sheltie remedies were working. She had posted ahdead so her blog was up, but Mom sure wasn't. She is finally up and moving today.
In the middle of Mom being sick thunder struck and Bailey really gets stressed. No barking, but he paces and whines. Mom is researching calming options, including things like a thunder shirt to see if it might work. She hates seeing him so stressed.
wooo Eva, good to see you, your little mate Chewy looks like a lot of action bol!
Hello there! This is first time visit your blog! Qoo mama in Japan told me your blog : )
First of all, Thank you for rescuing animal! I'm working animal shelter in US.
Since I've found Qoo's blog, I'm crazy about sheltie! Someday I love to have one. I have 4 doggies and 4 kitties in California now,If I can get another one my husband will kill me LOL!!
Here is my blog.. if you are interested...
I'll visit again!
Storms can definitely be scary, especially when the thunder shakes the house. Our Xander is terrified during storms, but Roxie and Zoe don't mind them at all. We got Xander a Thundershirt recently, and I think it helps a little. Hugs!
miss eva,
of course everybuddy misses you when you are away! it sounds like you have been mega busy doin' all those thingies around the house!
anywho, the lightning 'n thunders don't bother me, but i have heard from some other doggies that they get scared and like to wear a thundershirt to help them feel better.
your friend chewy is adorable! teehee! mama is totally squealin' like a piggie over here. :)
the booker man
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