Now, although some things still do drive her mad, she is so much better, and a good girl.
Want to know the trick?
It is this.
Leave it.
Leave it works for everything - an essential part of Eva's life.
She realises, if I leave it, I get a treat! Hey, isn't that clever!
We have been training her to be calm using this command and I must tell you a few stories.
In the morning, when my husband makes coffee, he has to grind the beans first. Last time, Eva would go crazy, barking her head off at 7am. Now, she goes to a down position immediately, and does a leave it until she is released. No noise, no movement.
Another incident is when my oven beeps. Nowadays, wherever I am in the house, she will find me and let me know my oven is beeping. Then she will lead me to the kitchen, sit and wait for me to do what I'm doing, and then she gets a treat! Jackpot!
When Mika is fed for his dinner, in order to stop her running about crazily, we do another leave it command. So she waits until my husband feeds Mika, comes back, and gives her the extra treat she is waiting for.
Ok, yes, she still barks at other things, like this...

But you know what, sometimes it's hard to 'leave it' when things like the lawn mower are much much more interesting!!
So here's to my good girl.
A little crazy and devilish sometimes,
But most of the time, a little angel!

You know it... always an Angel and cute as a butterfly. <3
Good girl, Eva! But I don't blame you barking at that lawn mower. I think it needs to be killed!
Our Kane goes crazy when he sees a lawn-mower in action or a motorcycle drives by. (his dad drives one) We don't try to change it at this point. He will be 11 soon. He calms down when we tell him He's a good boy.
Eva, you are the best little girl ever! I'm so proud of you for learning how to "leave it". I must try that with Oreo & Chewy, my little rascals.
It's like when she goes crazy she's saying, "hey! what do I do with this?? tell me and I'll do it, just tell me!!" What a good girl, and what a good mom and dad.
Rottie Kisses!!
She is just such a sweetie - and so glad the "leave it" command works for her.
THAT is a HUGE accomplishment! I am in complete awe and I must say just a tad jealous!!
What type of treat do you give her for the "leave it?" Dakota is a little over weight and he has too many biscuits.
I did start a thing (by accident) where I started saying be a "NICE BOY" when he would get out of control and for some reason he would stop immediately. Now, when Cody is getting fed an evening snack and Dakota is about to lose his mind I say "NICE BOY" in a firm voice and he sits super pretty waiting for his treat. Wonder if I should try this for sounds too?
Dakota barks at the coffee maker (the beeping), the beeping of the toaster oven and a few other things but he is better than he used to be.
Kudos to YOU and precious Eva!!! What a wonderful young woman she has become!
Bless her one look at that angelic face :)
Eva is such a sweet Princess!Lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners really need to be barked at and then left alone! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
VERY good. I can't get Mabel to leave it when it comes to critters!
Very good! Wonder if "leave it" will work with Kelly and the mailman?
We have to teach Katy leave it. It works wonders for Bailey.
Good girl, Eva!
I love the "Leave it" command. It works in so many situations. I also use it when I vacuum, because Layla does not like the vacuum and tries to bark/howl at it. It works great!
The "leave command" is one of my favorites, but it is not one of Sherman and Leroy's! I am sure Eva could teach them a thing or two!
She always looks angelic. :)
She's adorable, even when she's being naughty! I don't know if all Shelties can manage the leave it as well as Eva does!
Cheers to you Eva!!
Is the sound of the lawn mower interesting?
I show cute pose of the Eva ♪
But be careful because Eva, the lawn mower are dangerous!
Very good girl Eva for learning "leave it" so well!! I am really impressed! Mom wishes I were much better at leave it. But we all understand no dog can be that strong and good around the lawn mower!
She IS such a good girl. That must be hard for her.
Hi Eva! You're looking beautiful as usual. That Leave it thingy is soooo hard sometimes though isn't it? Thank you for your visit, it's introduce your peeps weekend until Monday, Sarge said so ;-) - hope you get time to join in, this is where it started:
Have a lovely weekend, Dex & Lou x
Wow, great job Eva!
Uh oh - you are giving our mom ideas, Eva! Thank goodness treats are involved, right?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Thank You for visiting and leaving behind your kind comments, they really help Dog Dad out.
Essex & Dog Dad
I think you would give Victoria Stillwell a run for her money. I remember an episode where the dog did the same thing!
It is great to know you are more relaxed with those issues!
I guess I need to learn that "leave it" soon. There are lots of sounds that scares me a lot!
Happy Weekend
Kisses and hugs
I'm happy to hear that Eva has overcome her sensitivity towards certain noises... with the leave it command. She is such an angel :)
Licks, hero
Ha!! Katie is the same. We have to make her "SIT!" when we change out the garbage bags or she goes crazy! And when the oven timer goes off she's a crazy girl too. Will have to try the 'leave it' thing! :)
We use the leave it command around here a lot as well.
Oh man..the last photo with the lawn mower scares me. We just met a dog that lost its leg (was a border collie) because it was chasing a lawn mower so just be careful there. Would hate to see something happen to sweet and beautiful Eva.
Yup, I hear a lot of the "Leave it" around here too. I do my best to oblige.
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