Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

First of all, we would like to welcome a furry guest, Eva's sister Sweetheart!!! She is indeed such a sweetheart and will be staying with us for a while to be Eva's playmate.

Second of all, Piappies World presented us with a GABE award! And we're just TOO EXCITED!
Guess what the prize giveaway is??? Name tags!!! And real pretty ones too :D

Now to our wordless wednesday picture.......once we're all past the excitement .....
Laura has always been Eva's favourite. She will always try to play with her, lick her, get her attention...but of course, Grandma is always very moody, but she does tolerate the little pup.


Chris and Ricky said...

Congrats on being a GABE winner!

Eva is so cute with Laura - she never gives up!

Andrea said...


Josie said...

Wow, congratulations on the GABE award!! That's great!!!

Also, how cute Laura and Eva are!!

Will be sending package out soon.

Much Love,
Josie and Mr. Blues, Jr.

Anna the GSD said...

That's some awesome bling! Can't wait to see you model it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award!
Beautiful pictures. Shows a patient soul.

Sara said...

Congrats on your award!

Isn't it funny how we posted very similar photos today?

Remington said...

Best friends! What could be better than that?

Bandit's Pack said...

Congrats on the award, and how fun to get name tags!

Mini Aussie Ace! said...

Congrats on your award!!! I LOVE your blog! It's so great! Eva is the cutest!! =) She's going to look even more stunning with a fab name tag!! <3

Deborah said...

Congratulations! I love your giveaways!!! They are beautiful!

Yas said...

Hi Eva!
Kongrats on your awards!
Laura's a beaut!!


koko said...

However moody grandma Laura can be... Eva is always her favorite pup... hard to be moody around such a sweet princess :)

Licks, hero

Piappies World said...

Hello there Eva!

Congratulations once again. Please drop us a pee-mail with your snail mail location so we can also pee-mail back to get which design you prefer. Weeeeee!

Looking forward to hearing from you, Princess Eva!

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies

Template by Deluxe Designs. Edited by Phang Photos