Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brief Post

Greetings everyone. Just posting a brief one here!

Eva will be going to visit a training center tomorrow. We'll be seeing how they teach obedience, letting Eva socialize a bit with the dogs there (if that's at all possible), and also deciding whether we will be taking her to obedience, or just doing it ourselves at home :-)

Funny picture of the day!

Woopsies! I wonder what happened here! 
Maybe Laura is just too embarassed to tell us ... she's stuck?

Adorable picture of the day!

Eva's telling Laura not to worry. She'll help her get 'unstuck'!

We'll let you know how Eva's day goes tomorrow!!


Remington said...

Good luck today! She will do GREAT! Love the pics!

Marie said...

Have fun at class with Eva. I just love the picture of Eva and Laura, looking like they are in deep thought over Laura's situation. LOL

katie, Maizey and Magnus said...

I hope Eva has fun tomorrow! Socialization is sooo important, I know Maizeys puppy class was excellent for her! Although now with the help of Sue Ailsby's Training Levels program ( we are doing our training at home, the social lessons they learn at class are so invaluable! Have Fun and let us know how it goes!!:))

Chris and Ricky said...

Hope you like the training center and that the socialization goes well!

Eva is so cute trying to help get Laura "unstuck"!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

What beautiful dogs!

Hope she has fun training!

Piappies World said...

Hello Eva,

Laura still looks adorable despite being stuck. We sure hope she was able to free herself from that tight spot. You are so sweet to give her support in times of struggle.

Good luck with training school. We get "home-schooled training" here from our hooman Mommy and Uncle.

The Wai-piappies Wai-Pai and Wai-Max are Princess & Fudgie's pups. Funny how they seem to be black. The Piappies are technicolored! Mommy says Fudgie's brother, Peanut, who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge just about a week after they arrived here in our furever home was black and white. Perhaps the Wai-piappies got their color from their Uncle Peanut.

We look forward to your training stories. Have fun, Eva!

-Fudgie, Princess, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies

Andrea said...

Tooo funny!

koko said...

Have fun at OB class... but I think home schooling is much more fun. I'm a OB drop-out, just so you know ;)

Licks, hero

Sara said...
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Sara said...

I hope you like the obedience class. Can't wait to hear about it!

Love the photo of Laura in her "predicament", and the one of Eva trying to help her out.

Unknown said...

Ooh - can't wait to hear all about it! I do hope the classes are good so you can take her to join in - I think that even if you can teach all the exercises yourselves, the socialisation aspect of classes and learning to work with the distraction of other dogs there is very important - and it's also a great way for the humans to make friends with other "doggie people"! But of course, it depends on what the classes are like.

ANyway, looking forward to hearing about it!


Bandit's Pack said...

Eva will have so much fun! I took Bandit to one 6-week session of puppy class and one 6-week session of obedience (both held one day a week). I learned enough good advice to teach the rest of the family so we can continue training Bandit on our own.

Yas said...

All the best Eva!!


DSS said...

That picture of Laura with her bottom "stuck" is absolutely priceless!! Of course, Eva consoling her is so dear. She is a little sweetheart isn't she?!?!

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